23. Januar 2022 Johannes Wolters

Täglich einen Kurzen: „Macchina“ by Louis PENNEQUIN CANIOT, Gauthier CHANTEREAU, Manon BERARDENGO, Chloé BOURSIER and Matthieu TIAGO | 2020


3rd year students 3D short movie directed by Louis PENNEQUIN CANIOT, Gauthier CHANTEREAU, Manon BERARDENGO, Chloé BOURSIER and Matthieu TIAGO

A father drives his young son to a strange and frightening place. Is he ready to become an adult like his father?

Additional music by Il Tuoi Baci, Cyril Giroux. Alessandro Gambassi. Campbell E Browning. Pablo Love. with permission from Audio Network Limited.

Final Mix by Thomas Rouvillain, Nextsoundlab

Distributed by Patrick De Carvalho | Je Regarde patrick@jeregarde.net

Pôle 3D | Roubaix | 2020

#macchina #pole3D #animation


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