2. September 2015 Johannes Wolters

Trailer von Hannes Ralls neuem Kurzfilm: The Beach Boy

Mein Namensvetter Hannes Rall war so nett und  erlaubt mir seine FB Nachricht hier wiederzugeben:

Hannes Rall (hier gehts zu seiner Website) schrieb:

While „The Cold Heart“ and „Si Lunchai“ are still being accepted by festivals, my new film „The Beach Boy“ has been readied for submission by my great festival distribution agency Aug & Ohr in Berlin. Submissions will start from this fall season, the trailer with an original score by the master Eckart Gadow is here:

Background designs by the fabulous Turine Tran , score by the awesome Eckart Gadow, animated by Yvonne Ng and Cao Youfang

produced by Hannes Rall & Seah Hock Soon

supported by NTU.

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