7. Juli 2022 Johannes Wolters

ONLINE & ON SITE: h-da Hochschule Darmstadt läd zur Semesterabschlussausstellung Animation and Game

WICHTIG: Anmeldung bei Zoom mit Vor- und Nachnamen!


on 18th and 19th of July 9:30 am to 12:30  am we are going to present our final semester projects online via Zoom.

On 19th of July from 2 pm until 7 pm we will have our first exhibition of projects back in presence on our campus. Come and see, come and play.

Best regards

Prof. Tilmann Kohlhaase

Animation and Game Production
Program Director Animation&Game/Animation&Game Direction
International Representative Animation&Game (Direction)
h-da Hochschule Darmstadt
University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt

European University of Technology

Meeting-ID: 947 9419 4905
Kenncode: ag_final22
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