17. August 2018 Johannes Wolters

SIGGRAPH 2018 für uns daheim (6): Panels Real Time Live // Ohooo Shiny // Tripping the Light VR

Real-Time Live!


Session Title: Ohooo Shiny!

„• Automatic Photo-from-Panorama for Google Maps Google introduces a technique for extracting interesting photographs from 360-degree panoramas.

• Classified Texture Resizing for Mobile Devices LG Electronics presents the classified texture resizing technique. This classifies textures into certain types and applies a different approach to each type for less quality degradation and wider application.

• Deep Thoughts on Deep Image Compression A practical challenge when using deep images, is managing the data footprint. Our observation is that, with a richer contextual understanding of the target composite, automatic and artist-controlled systems can be built to significantly compress deep images such that there is no perceptual different in the final result.“

Tripping the Light VR

„• The Making of Welcome to Light Fields VR This talk describes the technology and production techniques used to create Welcome to Light Fields, a new application by Google VR, freely available on Steam, that allows users to step inside panoramic light field still photographs and experience real-world reflections, depth, and translucence like never before in VR.

• Fractal Multiverses in VR This talk presents Framestore’s design decisions for an interactive fractal explorer and a novel approach for rendering fractals on VR headsets at high frame rates, through the use of stereo reprojection techniques and conemarching for distance estimation.“

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