8. September 2023 Johannes Wolters

xpanded Animation 2023 – Welcome & Art & Industry (Christopher Salter, Immerea, Hangonit Studio)




Expanded Animation 2023 – The Art of Performance

Expanded Animation is part of the 2023 Ars Electronica Animation Festival, a diverse showcase that invites spectators to discover current artistic productions in the field of digital animation. The selection has been mostly compiled from the submissions at Prix Ars Electronica 2023, which shifted its focus this year from Computer Animation to the landscape of New Animation Art. Therefore, it welcomed artists whose work expands on the cutting-edge intersection of animation, art, and technology, delving into visual expression with unabashed experimentation.

Several exciting screening programs, taking place both in the Seminar room and the Deep Space 8k at Ars Electronica Center, will give witness to the diversity of this renewed category, not only in terms of storytelling techniques, conceptual explorations, and technological innovation but also in terms of their commitment to social change and new political imaginaries.

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