30. März 2020 Johannes Wolters

Hier das Showreel von Xaver Böhm, Berlin

Xaver is a freelance filmmaker, animator and illustrator.

DIRECTOR’S SHOWREEL 2019 from Xaver Böhm on Vimeo.


His award winning short film „Roadtrip“ was screened in over a hundred international film festivals and was also nomination for the german shortfilm award. His work as a freelance animator and director include projects for clients such as the New York Times and the British National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC). Xaver uses the off-time between commercial projects to develop his own films. Check out his first feature film here. Xaver lives and works in Berlin.


Xaver Xylophon Animation Showreel 2019 from Xaver Böhm on Vimeo.


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