(english version below – scroll down!)
Pressemitteilung Mackevision
Stuttgart, 10. Januar 2018 – Accenture hat eine Vereinbarung zur Übernahme von Mackevision geschlossen, einem global führenden Serviceanbieter von Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) mit Sitz in Deutschland. Die Übernahme ergänzt das Portfolio von Accenture Interactive im Bereich digitale Services um modernste Fähigkeiten zur Visualisierung auf der Basis von Datenmodellen realer Produkte, dem sogenannten ‚digitalen Zwilling‘. Accenture Interactive baut damit sein Dienstleistungsangebot rund um die Customer Experience der nächsten Generation sowie um Extended Reality (XR) Anwendungen für die Industrie weiter aus.
Die Übernahme unterliegt den handelsüblichen Abschlussbedingungen. Die finanziellen Einzelheiten der Transaktion wurden nicht bekannt gegeben.
Die Mackevision Services Kreation, Visualisierung und Produktion werden für Produktkonfiguratoren, digitale Kataloge, virtuelle Showrooms, multimediale Kioske sowie Fernseh- und Kinofilme genutzt. Herzstück des Dienstleistungsangebots ist die Fähigkeit, echte ‚digitale Zwillinge‘ von realen Produkten wie Automobilen, Flugzeugen, Konsumgütern oder Maschinen erstellen und veredeln zu können. Auf dieser Basis produziert Mackevision unter Einsatz modernster Digitaltechnik wie Computer Generated Imagery (CGI), Visual Effects (VFX) sowie Augmented und Virtual Reality (AR/VR) kreative und emotionale Bildinhalte und verwandelt so Daten in virtuelle Anwendungen und echte, immersive Produkterfahrungen.
Mackevision wurde im Jahr 1994 gegründet und beschäftigt mehr als 500 Mitarbeiter. Der Hauptsitz ist in Stuttgart mit weiteren Standorten in München und Hamburg sowie in den USA, Großbritannien, China, Südkorea und Japan. Für seine Arbeiten hat das Unternehmen zahlreiche internationale Preise gewonnen, darunter einen Emmy für die visuellen Effekte in der Fernsehserie ‚Game of Thrones‘.
„Die digitale Neuerfindung der Industrie nimmt Fahrt auf und der ‚digitale Zwilling‘ ist der Schlüssel dazu“, sagt Frank Riemensperger, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung Accenture Deutschland. „Die Fähigkeiten von Mackevision, komplexe Ingenieurdaten zu bearbeiten und mit ihrer Hilfe emotionale und umsatzrelevante Kundenerlebnisse zu erzeugen, sind beeindruckend. Damit lassen sich digitale Bildinhalte in völlig neuer Qualität und einer ganz neuen Dimension kreieren. Die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten über alle Industriebranchen hinweg sind enorm und erlauben uns, neue, innovative Services für unsere Kunden anzubieten, von Innovation und Design über die Herstellung bis zu Marketing und Verkauf.“
Mit seinem Angebot an Dienstleistungen ist Mackevision vor allem in der Automobilbranche erfolgreich und zählt Marken wie Audi, BMW, FCA (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles), Hyundai, Jaguar Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz und Porsche zu seinen Kunden. Visualisierungen, die auf CGI und digitalen Zwillingen basieren, sind in der Branche besonders früh zum Einsatz gekommen, vom Autokonfigurator über virtuelle Showrooms von Händlern bis hin zu neuen Produkterlebnissen durch Augmented und Virtual Reality.
„Als Teil von Accenture wird Mackevision ganz neue Möglichkeiten haben, seine Dienstleistungen über die Automobilbranche hinaus anzubieten“, sagt Axel Schmidt, verantwortlicher Geschäftsführer für den Automobilbereich bei Accenture. „Die Bilderzeugung auf Basis eines ‚digitalen Zwillings’ in jedweder Form und in höchster Qualität liegt unserer Vision zugrunde, ein breites Spektrum von Services rund um smarte, vernetzte Produkte, digitale Plattformen und neue Geschäftsmodelle zu entwickeln sowohl für die Automobilbranche, aber auch den Maschinenbau, Konsumgüterhersteller oder den Handel.“
„Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Mackevision ab sofort Teil der Accenture Familie ist“, sagt Armin Pohl, CEO von Mackevision. „Seit über 20 Jahren entwickeln wir Technologielösungen für 3D Visualisierungen. Mit unserer technologischen Weitsicht und unserem effizienten Single-Source-Publishing-Prinzip (SSP) kreieren wir relevante, inspirierende und nachhaltig wirkende Produkt- und Markenerlebnisse. Wir entwickeln uns zunehmend vom Content- zum Solution-Provider mit dem Ziel, End-to-End-Lösungen für unsere Kunden anzubieten. Im Verbund und mit dem Netzwerk von Accenture Interactive können wir zukünftig an nachhaltigen Kundenerlebnissen in einer neuen, globalen Dimension arbeiten.“
Accenture ist einer der führenden Anbieter auf dem sich rasch entwickelnden Markt für AR/VR Services und hat in den vergangenen Jahren für Kunden wie BMW and Jeep auf dieser Technologie basierende Anwendungen entwickelt sowie eine eigene Abteilung für Extended Reality (XR) gegründet. Die Übernahme von Mackevision hilft Accenture dabei, XR-Lösungen in großem Maßstab zu entwickeln und zu betreiben und so vom Wachstum des Marktes für XR zu profitieren, der nach einer Voraussage des Analystenhauses IDC bis 2020 einen Umfang von 162 Milliarden US-Dollar erreichen wird.
Über Accenture
Accenture ist ein weltweit führendes Dienstleistungsunternehmen, das ein breites Portfolio von Services und Lösungen in den Bereichen Strategie, Consulting, Digital, Technologie und Operations anbietet. Mit umfassender Erfahrung und spezialisierten Fähigkeiten über mehr als 40 Branchen und alle Unternehmensfunktionen hinweg – gestützt auf das weltweit größte Delivery-Netzwerk – arbeitet Accenture an der Schnittstelle von Business und Technologie, um Kunden dabei zu unterstützen, ihre Leistungsfähigkeit zu verbessern und nachhaltigen Wert für ihre Stakeholder zu schaffen. Mit rund 435.000 Mitarbeitern, die für Kunden in über 120 Ländern tätig sind, treibt Accenture Innovationen voran, um die Art und Weise, wie die Welt lebt und arbeitet, zu verbessern. Besuchen Sie uns unter www.accenture.de.
Über Accenture Interactive
Accenture Interactive gestaltet für weltweit führende Marken herausragende Kundenerlebnisse über die gesamte Customer Journey hinweg. Mit unseren umfassenden Angeboten in Design, Marketing, Content und Commerce gehen wir neue Wege, um in der heutigen, auf das Kundenerlebnis ausgerichteten Wirtschaft zu bestehen. Im aktuellen Advertising Age-Agenturreport rangiert Accenture Interactive als weltweit größte Digitalagentur. Mehr unter @accentureACTIVE und www.accentureinteractive.com.
english version:
Award-winning visual effects team for “Game of Thrones” to break new ground for Accenture Interactive’s content practice by adding 3D visualization, animation and visual effects capabilities
STUTTGART; Jan. 10, 2018 – Accenture (NYSE: ACN) has entered into an agreement to acquire Germany-based Mackevision, a leading global producer of 3D-enabled and immersive product content. The acquisition will add state-of-the-art visualization capabilities to Accenture Interactive’s digital services portfolio – strengthening its ability to create compelling, next-generation customer experiences and industrial, extended reality applications.The acquisition is subject to customary closing conditions. Financial terms of the transaction are not being disclosed.
Mackevision’s creation, visualization and production services are used for online product configurators, digital and print catalogues, virtual showrooms, point-of-sale kiosks, augmented and virtual reality experiences, as well as broadcast video and feature films. Mackevision has developed a differentiated ability to leverage engineering data to construct ‘digital twins’ of complex physical products. By applying the latest techniques in CGI, visual effects and AR/VR, Mackevision can generate nearly any type of visual content from these twins – effectively turning engineering data into truly immersive product experiences and virtual applications. This highly-specialized approach has the potential to transform product design as well as fuel the next generation of consumer experiences.
The ability to create digital imagery of the highest quality based on ‘digital twins’ is key to Accenture’s vision of delivering a broader set of services around smart, connected products, platforms and business models to a wide range of industries, including automotive, industrial equipment, consumer goods and retail.
Founded in 1994, Mackevision has a team of more than 500 employees and is headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, with offices in Munich and Hamburg as well as in the United States, United Kingdom, China, South Korea and Japan.
Mackevision has earned international acclaim for its work on the HBO Series “Game of Thrones” – for which it was awarded an Emmy for Outstanding Visual Effects. The company’s high-end creative and visual effects capability is especially relevant in the growing field of extended reality, where life-like models and environments are considered critical to creating fully-immersive experiences.
“This is truly a one-of-a-kind opportunity for us,” said Jamie Posnanski, global content practice lead, Accenture Interactive. “Mackevision has a deep roster of highly-relevant creative and technical talent in emergent capabilities, and operates with mature offerings on a global scale. It’s rare to find this combination in the market. We are highly impressed by the quality of the work, innovation, leadership, culture and, of course, talent on the Mackevision team, and we are excited for what our combined capabilities can mean for clients.”
“Mackevision’s capabilities will add a whole new dimension of content innovation to our portfolio of services,” added Brian Whipple, head of Accenture Interactive. “The ‘digital twin’ concept has massive implications not only from a scaled media production and marketing standpoint, but also for our broader vision of helping clients render the most compelling experiences possible.”
With clients including Audi, BMW, Fiat Chrysler, Hyundai, Jaguar, Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Mackevision has achieved its most notable success in the automotive industry – where CGI-based and ‘digital twin’ visualization has experienced some of the earliest adoption.
“Mackevision is delighted to become part of the Accenture family,” said Mackevision CEO Armin Pohl. “With our more than 20 years’ experience in 3D visualization, our visionary technology and our efficient Single-Source Publishing (SSP) approach, we create relevant, inspiring product and brand experiences with lasting impact. We have moved from being a content provider to providing relevant end-to-end solutions for our clients, and we’re looking forward to collaborating on creating meaningful client experiences on a global scale under Accenture Interactive.”
Accenture is an early leader in the burgeoning AR/VR services market, having delivered consumer and enterprise experiences for clients such as BMW and Jeep over the past several years, and recently launched the Accenture Extended Reality (XR) practice. The acquisition of Mackevision will help Accenture significantly accelerate its ability to envision, create and operate XR solutions at scale for its clients and help drive the future of the XR market which, according to industry analyst firm IDC, is predicted to rise to $162 billion by 2020.*
About Accenture
Accenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all business functions – underpinned by the world’s largest delivery network – Accenture works at the intersection of business and technology to help clients improve their performance and create sustainable value for their stakeholders. With approximately 435,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture drives innovation to improve the way the world works and lives. Visit us at www.accenture.com.
Accenture Interactive helps the world’s leading brands transform their customer experiences across the entire customer journey. Through our connected offerings in design, marketing, content and commerce, we create new ways to win in today’s experience-led economy. Accenture Interactive is ranked the world’s largest digital agency in the latest Ad Age Agency Report. To learn more, follow us @accentureACTIVE and visit www.accentureinteractive.com.
Forward-Looking Statements
Except for the historical information and discussions contained herein, statements in this news release may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “likely,” “anticipates,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “projects,” “believes,” “estimates,” “positioned,” “outlook” and similar expressions are used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied. These include, without limitation, risks that: Accenture and Mackevision will not be able to close the transaction in the time period anticipated, or at all, which is dependent on the parties’ ability to satisfy certain closing conditions; the transaction might not achieve the anticipated benefits for Accenture; Accenture’s results of operations could be adversely affected by volatile, negative or uncertain economic and political conditions and the effects of these conditions on the company’s clients’ businesses and levels of business activity; Accenture’s business depends on generating and maintaining ongoing, profitable client demand for the company’s services and solutions including through the adaptation and expansion of its services and solutions in response to ongoing changes in technology and offerings, and a significant reduction in such demand or an inability to respond to the changing technological environment could materially affect the company’s results of operations; if Accenture is unable to keep its supply of skills and resources in balance with client demand around the world and attract and retain professionals with strong leadership skills, the company’s business, the utilization rate of the company’s professionals and the company’s results of operations may be materially adversely affected; Accenture could have liability or Accenture’s reputation could be damaged if the company fails to protect client and/or company data from security breaches or cyberattacks; the markets in which Accenture operates are highly competitive, and Accenture might not be able to compete effectively; Accenture’s profitability could materially suffer if the company is unable to obtain favorable pricing for its services and solutions, if the company is unable to remain competitive, if its cost-management strategies are unsuccessful or if it experiences delivery inefficiencies; changes in Accenture’s level of taxes, as well as audits, investigations and tax proceedings, or changes in tax laws or in their interpretation or enforcement, could have a material adverse effect on the company’s effective tax rate, results of operations, cash flows and financial condition; Accenture’s results of operations could be materially adversely affected by fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates; Accenture’s business could be materially adversely affected if the company incurs legal liability; Accenture’s work with government clients exposes the company to additional risks inherent in the government contracting environment; Accenture might not be successful at identifying, acquiring, investing in or integrating businesses, entering into joint ventures or divesting businesses; Accenture’s global delivery capability is concentrated in India and the Philippines, which may expose it to operational risks; as a result of Accenture’s geographically diverse operations and its growth strategy to continue geographic expansion, the company is more susceptible to certain risks; adverse changes to Accenture’s relationships with key alliance partners or in the business of its key alliance partners could adversely affect the company’s results of operations; if Accenture is unable to protect its intellectual property rights or if Accenture’s services or solutions infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others or the company loses its ability to utilize the intellectual property of others, its business could be adversely affected; Accenture’s ability to attract and retain business and employees may depend on its reputation in the marketplace; if Accenture is unable to manage the organizational challenges associated with its size, the company might be unable to achieve its business objectives; any changes to the estimates and assumptions that Accenture makes in connection with the preparation of its consolidated financial statements could adversely affect its financial results; many of Accenture’s contracts include payments that link some of its fees to the attainment of performance or business targets and/or require the company to meet specific service levels, which could increase the variability of the company’s revenues and impact its margins; Accenture’s results of operations and share price could be adversely affected if it is unable to maintain effective internal controls; Accenture might be unable to access additional capital on favorable terms or at all and if the company raises equity capital, it may dilute its shareholders’ ownership interest in the company; Accenture may be subject to criticism and negative publicity related to its incorporation in Ireland; as well as the risks, uncertainties and other factors discussed under the “Risk Factors” heading in Accenture plc’s most recent annual report on Form 10-K and other documents filed with or furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Statements in this news release speak only as of the date they were made, and Accenture undertakes no duty to update any forward-looking statements made in this news release or to conform such statements to actual results or changes in Accenture’s expectations.
*Source: IDC Worldwide Semi Annual Augmented and Virtual Reality Spending Guide