4. Februar 2023 Johannes Wolters

Bored Jumans.com: We created 50 fun artificial intelligence (AI) pages you can use for free:

About Artificial Intelligence

We created 50 fun artificial intelligence (AI) pages you can use for free:


Artificial intelligence is a general term that can refer to many different techologies, such as those used in self-driving cars, facial recognition, customer service bots, language translation, cancer drug discovery, sales forcasting, robots, and much more. The „thinking“ part of AI is known as Machine Learning, where a computer program (such as a neural network) is trained on large amounts of data. For example, if you show a neural network thousands of labelled photos of cats and dogs, it can quickly learn to predict with 98% accuracy if a new image is a cat or a dog. Similarly, to create a machine learning model to predict the stock price of Apple, feed it the past several years of Apple’s stock price and it can then make a prediction each new day if Apple will go up or down.

Most machine learning programs run locally on a data scientist’s PC or server, in programming languages such as Python, C++, or Java, and are not made to be accessed via a web page. We created BoredHumans.com specifically to showcase AI to the general public over the Internet.


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