Cardiff Animation Nights (CAN) are free monthly screenings of great animation from around the world at The Underdog in the centre of Cardiff and online live on our YouTube channel. We screen some of the best animated short films from the global animation festival circuit, giving people in Cardiff a chance to watch independent animation on the big screen and meet like-minded people.
Cardiff Animation Nights has been running for 10 years, and has grown from our first event in the back of a small venue in Cardiff to just 20 people, to a monthly in-person and online event in Cardiff with over 120 people attending each month.
Cardiff Animation Nights is run by a team of animators and animation lovers in Cardiff, led by Ellys Donovan and Lauren Orme, with help and support from numerous individuals and organisations from the animation community in Cardiff and further afield.
Welcome to the Cardiff Animation Nights Online #22!
To enable English subtitles just press the ‚CC‘ in the corner of the video.
Advisory 15+
Films Screened:
Bench – Andreia Dobrota Donny’s Orange – Danny Sangra Train Ride – Silvia Retuerto Gutierrez Signs – Dustin Rees Cold Soda – Huayi Yu Noodles Delivery – Cassandre Lauret, Laura Boj, Olga Konycheva A small garden by the window – Jonghoon Lee All about Area 51 – Camille Masset, Jérémie Lebuffe, Romain Kérinec, Marie Toussaint, Louis Grimm, Emeline Le Fèvre, Léa Tomasi, Marie Fugier Kinesthese – Caitlin Craggs RUN, LITTLE RAT! – Ofre Sparrow Vaknin Parrots – Jennifer Nie Organic Matter – Emily Halaka