Created in 1990, Cartoon Forum is a unique event focusing on pitching sessions of pre-selected TV projects, where animation producers can find cross-border partners and speed up financial arrangements.
It allows co-productions to be finalised, pre-buys agreed, negotiation of distribution agreements, options discussed on every type of right, and licensing of secondary rights.
CARTOON FORUM 2019 17 SEP (2) from CARTOON on Vimeo.
Digital Girl, Cyber Group Studios
Roni, La Productura de Juanjo Saez / TV3
Super Snail, Sixteen South
Toutmosis, La Belge Prod
Tempo, Girelle Productions
The Ishmael´s Journeys, Les Batelerieres Productions – Foliascope
Boots and Paws, Studio Soi
Barney, the Piglet, IMOS invest – IS Produkce –
The Marsupilamis, Belvision – Dupuis Edition & Audiovisuel
#In the Middle, Graphilm
Lotte & Toote, Fridthjof Films – A Film Production
Palimpsest´s Tree, Nebularts Productions – Tiktak Production – Pit Production – Yobo Studio
Sprinter Galore, Copenhagen Bombay
Sex Symbols, TV ON Producciones