CINANIMA – The 43rd International Animated Film Festival of Espinho, Portugal – will be held from the 11th to the 17th of November next.
Throughout these 43 years of history, many were the films, directors, producers and other professionals who have given us the honour of their presence, sharing knowledge and experiences.
CINANIMA is the oldest film festival in Portugal and the third oldest animation film festival in the world and its importance is widely recognised by their peers.
Every year, CINANIMA presents an International Competitive Section: for Short Films, for Student Films and for Feature films. Each one of these International Competitions has its own Jury and Award. In addition, CINANIMA also promotes the National Competion, both for professionals and for first films.
The programme also comprises the International Non-Competitive Section: Grand Panorama Screenings, Retrospectives dedicated to Schools, specific Cinematographies, Themes or Authors, Masterclasses with prestiged directors, workshops, exhibitions and social events.
Therefore, we would like to invite you to submit your film this year at
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Thank you in advance for your attention and for sharing your works with us and our audience!
Our kindest regards,
Cristina Lima
:: Secretariado do Festival, Programação | Festival Office, Programming ::
CINANIMA – Festival Internacional de Cinema de Animação