Animation explores its existence in space. As a multifaceted interdisciplinary profession in the moving image production, it finds new fields that transfer the two-dimensional space of the screen to spatial configurations and settles in multidimensional environments.
The changes in the dispositive are so fundamental that various epithets have been proposed for the new phenomena: extended, expanded, immersive, relocated, exhibited, site-specific, spatial. They accompany the appearance of moving images in art or in virtual space – and culminate in the proposal of a topological media science that is to provide a vocabulary for the discussion of the new, spatial configurations of time-based and interactive formats.
The 6th Conference 2022 of the AG Animation in Lucerne addresses the forms and formats of animated film in spatial dimensions: How do animated images operate in different dispositives? How is space staged in different animation techniques and where can interesting new ways of dealing with it be found? Even when working in two dimensions, the inner-medial space of animation can always be fundamentally recreated. Does animation have a specific awareness of the structural principles and practical modes of functioning of cinematic space? Are there divergent conceptions of ‘real’ or ‘virtual’ space or new forms to be found in animation?
We are pleased to welcome scholars from different fields of media studies to Lucerne and are looking forward to the discussions of the new DIMENSIONS OF ANIMATION!
Guests are welcome to the conference DIMENSIONS OF ANIMATION.
Please register until October 31 2022 here
The registration fee for visitors of the conference is 50.- CHF and includes catering on the evenings of Nov. 10 and 11. The fee can be paid at the welcome point of the conference.