presents Animation One-To-Ones featuring Ryan Gaur in conversation with Magdalena Osinska, director at Aardman Animations. Magdalena directed the recently released ‘I Am Your Mother’ which blends together the expansive universe of the Star Wars franchise with the look, wit and ingenuity of the much loved UK studio Aardman. The short sees young pilot Anni (Charithra Chandran), who is embarrassed by her sweet, but clingy mum Kalina (Maxine Peake), who she inevitably must team up with for a madcap family race at the academy. Along the way, their relationship is tested by the elements, their old ship, other racers…and each other! Star Wars: Visions Volume 2 includes nine new shorts from nine studios across the globe, all with their own unique take on the saga. Watch all episodes now on Disney+.
Interview conducted by Ryan Gaur Edited by Aaron Wood Graphics Ben Mitchell