25. September 2021 Johannes Wolters

Pixar SparkShorts: Nona | Director Louis Gonzales on Nona | What’s Up, Disney+ | Disney+

Hosts Jenny Lorenzo and Andre Meadows welcome director Louis Gonzales to the show to discuss the inspiration behind his new Pixar SparkShort, „Nona,“ now streaming on #DisneyPlus. Nona, a grandmother who plans to spend her day off by shutting out the world to watch her favorite TV show, “E.W.W. Smashdown Wrestling.” However, when her 5-year-old granddaughter Renee is unexpectedly dropped off, Nona is caught between her two favorite things. Renee wants to play while the normally-doting Nona wrestles with wanting to watch the Smashdown, leading to a decisive showdown between the two, and a loving compromise.
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