17. Juni 2021 Johannes Wolters

Preview : Le Petit Nicolas de Benjamin Massoubre [Annecy 2021 Hybrid WIP]

Preview : Le Petit Nicolas
Récap‘ du Work In Progress du Petit Nicolas de Benjamin Massoubre et Amandine Fredon
Détails et infos sur www.cloneweb.net

Somewhere, between Montmartre and Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Jean-Jacques Sempé and René Goscinny lean over a large white sheet of paper and bring to life a mischievous and endearing boy, Little Nicholas. From schoolyard games and fights, to summer camp pranks and camaraderie, Nicholas lives a merry and enriching childhood. As Nicholas and his friends‘ adventures unfold, the boy sneaks into his creators‘ workshop and light-heartedly questions them. Sempé and Goscinny will recount the story of their friendship and careers, and reveal their childhoods filled with hopes and dreams.

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