5. März 2019 Johannes Wolters

Täglich einen Kurzen: „Transparency“ von Daniel Šuljić

Transparency from Daniel Šuljić (Suljic) on Vimeo.

Short animated film by Daniel Šuljić, 2015.
Synopsis: Moving through a world filled with scanners and surveillance algorithms, while frivolously using different social networks, online forms and credit cards, the man of today gives away his privacy voluntarily. A decent citizen has nothing to hide. Only criminals do.

Very accurate analysis on Zippy frames: zippyframes.com/index.php/shorts/transparency-by-daniel-suljic

Technique: Colored pencils on paper.

Paper size is A3

Transparency was selected at 54 festivals and a yearly exhibition at Museum of Contemporary art in Zagreb (T-HT award), getting the Best film of South East Europe award at Balkanima Belgrade 2016.


Idea, drawing, director: Daniel Šuljić
Animation: Martina Meštrović, David Lovrić, Jelena Oroz, Nenad Laktašić, Daniel Šuljić
Šumovi / Sound effects: Stanislav Kovačić
Sound design, muzika: Daniel Šuljić
Montaža, compositing: Daniel Šuljić

Production: Kreativni sindikat
Producent: Igor Grubić
Izvršni producent/ executive producer: Morana Bing

(c) Daniel Šuljić, Zagreb/Wien 2015.

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