21. September 2017 Johannes Wolters

WIEN: Gesucht: Einreichungen fuer „Tricky Women 2018“ bis zum 6. Oktober 2017

The international competition of Tricky Women provides an overview about the latest trends and developments. Therefore – whether they are experimental, documentary or fictional – we are looking forward to your new films in any possible animation technique. The deadline for thepreliminary selection is October 6th, 2017!

We are looking forward to your submissions in the following categories:
– International competition
– Work / Work Affairs (not limited to recent works)
– 100 Years of Women’s Suffrage, democracy, women in politics and participation (not limited to recent works)

You can submit online >> here.
Please find all the info you need and the entry form >> here.

Please spread the word for Tricky Women 2018!

Tricky Women Festival
Museumsplatz 1
A-1070 Wien
+43 1 990 46 63

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