Directed by Jakob Schuh and Jan Lachauer, co-directed by Bin Han To. Produced for Magic Light Pictures by Martin Pope and Michael Rose, the animation has been created at Magic Light’s Berlin studio and at Triggerfish Animation Studios in Cape Town. Commissioned for BBC One by Director of Content Charlotte Moore; Executive Producer for the BBC is Elizabeth Kilgarriff; Executive Producer for Roald Dahl Literary Estate is Dominic Gregory.
BBC One’s two-part animated Roald Dahl adaptation Revolting Rhymes will premiere on Boxing Day (Monday Decmber 26th) at 6:30pm and will conclude the following day in the same time-slot, it has been announced.
Based on the Roald Dahl book of the same name, Revolting Rhymes interweaves five of Dahl’s. The Narrator Wolf tells the stories of: Little Red Riding Hood, Snow-White, Three Little Pigs, Jack and the Beanstalk and Cinderella. The voice cast that includes Dominic West, David Walliams, Rob Brydon, Tamsin Greig, Bertie Carvel, Rose Leslie, Bel Powley, Gemma Chan and Isaac Hempstead Wright.
Originally commissioned by then BBC One Controller Charlotte Moore in November 2014, Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes is being produced by Magic Light Pictures, with the animation being created at Magic Light’s Berlin studio and at Triggerfish Animation in Cape Town. Martin Pope and Michael Rose are serving as producers, while the BBC’s Elizabeth Kilgarriff will executive produce. Jan Lachauer and Jakob Schuh are the directors.