28. März 2022 Johannes Wolters

Annecy 2022 – The Official Selection of Graduation Films and TV & Commissioned Films

Following the announcement of the Short films in competition, here is the 2nd part of the Annecy Festival’s Official Selection!

Discover the Graduation films, and TV & Commissioned films selected to compete in this year’s Annecy Festival!

In these categories, over 1,530 films were submitted from 64 countries.
Here is the selection:

  • Graduation films: 38 films in competition
  • TV films: 24 films in competition
  • Commissioned films: 37 films in competition


Overall, male and female directors are equally represented in these categories.

Discover the Official Selection and the Selection Committee


„This year, the selection of TV and Commissioned films stands out for the emphasis on themes linked to female sexuality, turning the spotlight on female characters and important female figures. We are thrilled by this evolution in the themes, which leads towards our desire for equality. We also noticed an explosion of increasingly larger formats, undoubtedly linked to platforms developing that are less subject to time constraints. Lastly, the selection reveals a great year for animated music video production.“

Marcel Jean, Artistic Director


Reminder: you have until 6th April 2022 to submit your VR work and try your luck at participating in Annecy 2022.

Submit your VR Work

Before 28th April 2022, take advantage of the Early Bird rates for the Festival, Festival+ and Mifa accreditations!

I get my Accreditation

Don’t wait, organise it now!
Lac Annecy Tourisme & Congrès have a selection of accommodation online for Annecy 2022 participants.
The list is regularly updated

For more Info

See you on 13th to 18th June 2022!

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